- 1. study human nature & act accordingly
- 2. college gives you a false view of human nature
- 3. cement loyalty: glee club, base-ball club, give them opportunities to show themselves off
- 4. gave the Citizens Union nice desks
- 5. won 5 votes to 14,000
- 6. give civil service jobs for votes
- 7. campaign literature upsets voters
- 8. send fire-engines, buy clothes
- 9. poor people have more friends in their neighborhoods
- 10. knows every big employer
- 11. give children candy, they are good vote getters
Spirit of Youth, Ch. I Youth In The City
- 1. industrialism led to large labor supply
- 2. city is based on industry
- 3. girls are unsupervised, valued for their labor power
- 4. boys can earn money independently & spend it on vice
- 5. society cares more about the products girls produce not their childhood
- 6. all public recreation is commercial
- 7. middle age people try to put restrictions on youthful behavior
- 8. alcohol is sold to the youth
- 9. joy, lust, gaiety, debauchery
- 10. girls are exploited in the factories and then exploited by sellers
- 11. the overworked girls are very self-conscious
The Souls Of Black Folk, W. E. B. Dubois
- 1. Egyptian > Indian > Greek > Roman > Teuton > Mongolian > Negro(7th son)
- 2. double-consciousness
- 3. contempt/pity
- 4. two-warring ideals
- 5. strength keeps the Negro going
- 6. “the history of the American Negro is the history of this strife, this longing to attain self-conscious manhood, to merge his double self into a better & truer self.”
- 7. struggle to be both a Negro & an American
- 8. America has much to teach Africa
- 9. struggle to live without being cursed/spit on
- 10. struggle to seize opportunities
- 11. want to add to culture
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